My Projects

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Green Space App

At NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023, I selected What's up with this water and create an web app to detect the nearest place has water, to evaluate the quality of water etc. Building with Javascript, React and NextJS, Tailwind CSS.

Porfolio Website

A project to create a personal website as a porfolio. Building with Typescript, React and NextJS, Tailwind CSS. Deploying on Vercel platform.

Weather Forecast App Frontend

Build the interface of application with NextJS, ReactJS in order to interact with weather forecast API. The app is deployed on Vercel platform.

Weather Forecast API Backend

Spring boot application to manage and display weatherforecast. (Note:I deployed on 'Render' with free version so after 15m of inactivity the API will be paused by the platform. Please wait a moment when you access. )

Languages and Utilities:

Business Tools:
